Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jobs with the Federal Government Remain HOT!

Last month we opened with an entry about jobs with the government. This concept is catching on nationwide and jobs with the federal government remain the hottest! The benefits are great, the salaries are competitive and even the Washington Post agrees. Here's a slice of a recent article:
How to Ride the Federal Hiring Wave By Lily Whiteman
Special to the Washington Post
Wednesday, March 25, 2009; 7:00 AM
There is little doubt that the planets have aligned to make federal employment the new hot property in the job market. The excitement over the new Obama administration, spiking unemployment and an exodus of retiring baby boomers from government ranks all have combined to boost the appeal of federal jobs. To read the rest of the article, click the link below: Another article from the Post specifically addresses the jobs at the federal level that are catching on with young adults across the nation:
More Young People Lining Up for Government Jobs Career Specialists Cite Growing Interest, Driven by Dismal Economy and Desire for Public Service
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, March 26, 2009; Page A19
The lines for the CIA were out the door at the spring career fair last week at George Mason University in Fairfax, and the Environmental Protection Agency and various Defense Department booths were doing booming business as well. Two months after President Obama took office vowing to make federal service cool again, career services specialists report an increase among college students who want to work for the government. "Lots and lots of students lined up for the federal government," said Alan C. More, employer in residence for U.S. government programs at GMU. "What we've seen across the board is an increased interest in government," said Tim McManus, vice president for education and outreach at the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service. "We're hearing from schools that they see government as an employer of choice. Government has been the afterthought option. It's no longer a second choice." To read the rest of the article, click on the link below:

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