As the ecomony worsens, we all get a little afraid. Finding ways to cope becomes even more important. After 9-11, this community came together and faced the fear after that event head on. This quote from Bob Ray Sanders and R. J. Rabbe, both journalists for the Star Telegram at the time, rings true today, just as it did back then. All of us in Tarrant County are in this together and the best way out continues to be together. This booklet contains some great resource information so we've posted the entire document on the resource page of our website.
"The community organizations which developed this guide are committed to helping each of us move beyond the tragedies which have consumed our attention over recent months to see the possibilities for the future. There is no denying that lives have been shattered, but we must not let despair drive our decisions. We have heard commentator after commentator proclaim that our lives will never be the same again, but that does not mean that our lives have to be forever worse. For many, this period of seeking to understand what has happened in our world has also led, perhaps for the first time, to serious introspection. Hopes, dreams, priorities have been re-evaluated. It is not just a new year, but a new world for us, and it can truly be a time of starting over, of focusing on what really matters to us now. Opportunity calls. Just as businesses are devising new strategies to achieve success despite the economic downturn, so can families and individuals. The information presented on the following pages is designed to do just that—to help you discover ways that you can turn the tide in your own life and in your community."
Click here to review the entire document: https://sites.google.com/site/survivingalayoff/resources-to-help-you-during-your-lay-off
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